Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Family and Stuff and Other Things

I recently returned home from a weekend trip to San Diego, where I met with my genetic cohorts. I drove down with my Mom, in a rental car that had to be traded in upon arrival due to a minor mechanical mishap--a real drag. The purpose of the trip: My family had called a spur-of-the-moment meeting to discuss my Grandparents' living situation. My Nana & Papi live on a ranch that they own in Mexico, near Mexicali--just over the Tecate/San Diego border for the uninitiated, where they were recently the victims of a frightening act of vandalism.

The talk went well and the details of the family's conclusion are still being worked out, but the gist of my blab lies in this question: How does one care for elderly family members who live in another country? As an American citizen, I admit to having unreal expectations about the beneficient reach of legal systems in other nations, especially, I feel at this moment, that of Mexico. The above question was rhetorical, so you may have to wait for the next blog for something engaging--or for the next blog after that one, or after that one.


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